
VET graduates tracking at institutional level - Hungarian approach

Study visit to Hungary with the aim of learning about Hungarian approach to VET graduate tracking on institutional level took place in Budapest and Szeged between 4 and 5 March 2019. Targeted visit for Croatian and Slovenian NRP representatives was organized by NOVETAL (Hungarian NRP) in scope of their EQAVET NRP project.



Workshop for reporting on VET graduate tracking for schools

A workshop for drawing up report on pilot VET graduate tracking within the EQAVET NRP project was sucessfuly held in VET school Vice Vlatković in Zadar, on 14 and 15 February 2019. Workshop was held by external expert Dubravko Bacalja, and a total of 9 participants from AVETAE and VET schools participated. The workshop was organized with the aim of familiarizing participants with processes of reporting and evaluate the VET graduate tracking from the percpective of VET schools.


EQAVET newsletter 18, December 2018

In 18th issue of the EQAVET bulletin you can read on VET graduate monitoring from the perspective of system-level and school-level data collection. In this context, you can find our article on piloting VET graduate tracking in the three Croatian schools currently implemented within the Erasmus + EQAVET NRP project.



Piloting of VET graduate tracking started

In scope of ERASMUS+ EQAVET NRP project, Agency for VET and Adult Education in cooperation with three VET schools, started to pilot VET graduate tracking. Valuable feedback on school programs is being assessed along with the success of VET graduates in employment or continuing education.


EQAVET newsletter 17, June 2018

Seventeenth issue of EQAVET Newsletter focuses on the importance of learners' voice for strengthening of quality assurance in VET: review of OBESSU activities, student involvement in Netherlands and Romania, EQAVET Working Group related content and review of recently published EU study on VET graduates tracking. Additionally, two ERASMUS+ projects are presented.


Peer Learning Activity on Promoting a Culture of Quality, Dubrovnik, 11-12 June 2018

Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education organised a Peer Learning Activity (PLA) on Promoting Culture of Quality as a part of the Erasmus+ project Support to European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training: National Reference Points (EQAVET NRP). The PLA took place in Dubrovnik on 11 and 12 June and brought together 21 representative of the National Reference Points (NRP) for EQAVET, VET providers and other bodies responsible for VET from nine countries.


Workshop on VET graduate tracking held in Zagreb

Agency for Vocational Education and Training organized a two-day workshop on VET graduate tracking on 29 and 30 May 2018 in Zagreb. In cooperation with an external expert, a proposal of VET graduate tracking in line with the principles of EQAVET was suggested, as well as different ways of monitoring students at the school and system level and the use of acquired data by the school, system or stakeholders. Besides all of the above, the guidelines to implement the monitoring system itself were also clarified in the workshop. The workshop was attended by representatives from 12 educational sectors. 



The first international peer review successfully held in Croatia

The first international peer review in VET in Croatia was held in the Secondary school Matija Antun Reljković in the city of Slavonski Brod from 14th May until 16th of May 2018. As a reminder, peer review is a form of voluntary external evaluation, carried out by colleagues from the vocational education system (peers) and on invitation from the school. Unlike the classic evaluation methods in Croatia that cover all quality areas, the peer review is only carried out in those quality areas chosen by the host school. This activity of peer review was organized by the Agency for Vocational Education and Adult Education within the EQAVET NRP project, as an joint activity that, besides in Croatia, is also held in Finland, Austria and Slovenia. 


The final report on "Mapping of VET graduate tracking measures in EU Member States"

The final report on "Mapping of VET graduate tracking measures in EU Member States" conducted by the EU Commission on Mapping of VET graduate tracking measures in EU Member States has been published on 16 March 2018 at European Commission's DG for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion web pages. The study involves mapping and description of VET graduate tracking measures at EU and Member State level, and the development of scenarios for EU-level actions in the field.