



First online training for preparation of transnational peer review participants

Agency for Vocational Education and Adult Education, as the Croatian NRP (National Reference Point), is collaborating with NRP’s from Estonia, Finland and Slovenia on a joint activity Further development of transnational peer reviews – collaboration with Slovenia, Finland and Estonia which is a part of Erasmus+ project Support to the European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training National Reference Points (EQAVET NRP).


Initial workshop for National Peer Reviews in VET schools

Initial workshop for National Peer Reviews in VET schools was held in Zagreb as part of the Erasmus+ project: EQAVET National Reference Point (EQAVET NRP) for quality assurance in vocational education.

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Report from the PLA on ICT-tools in Quality Assurance

Seventeen participants from seven European countries exchanged experiences and best practice examples on using the data and ICT-tools for quality improvements at the Peer Learning Activity (PLA) on ICT-tools in Quality Assurance. The PLA was organized by the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education (AVETAE) in Zagreb on 17 and 18 December 2019.


Report from a study visit to Slovenia on VET graduates tracking systems and a conference on quality assurance

Representatives of the Agency for VET and Adult Education visited Slovenia from 2 to 4 December 2019. The aim of the study visit was twofold: to participate in a targeted study visit on the topic of VET graduate tracking systems within joint activity of EQAVET NRP projects of Croatia,Finland, Greece and Slovenia; and to convene a workshop on graduade tracking for VET schools within an annual national conference on quality assurance in Slovenia. 


Study on Peer Review and the work of the EQAVET Network

Study on Peer Review in VET, conducted by the EQAVET expert Giorgio Alluli in cooperation with EQAVET Secretariat in first half of 2019 is now published. The study provides insights into the benefits of the peer review for the VET system, and includes, among others, reflection on peer reviews organized by Croatian NRP – Agency for VET and AE – together with Austrian, Finnish and Slovenian NRPs in scope of the former EQAVET NRP project.  

The study is available at the link.


Announcement: PLA on ICT-tools in quality assurance

Peer learning activity (PLA) on ICT-tools in quality assurance will be organized on 17 and 18 December in Zagreb, Croatia, in organization of the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education.


VET graduate tracking systems – study visit in Zagreb

Within the joint activity on graduate tracking systems in scope of EQAVET NRP project, the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education (AVETAE) organized a study visit to Zagreb for partners from NRPs of Finland, Greece and Slovenia. Study visit was organized on 22 and 23 October, and the programme adressed both the VET system and the provider level.


EQAVET NRP 2019 projects Compendium

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) compiled and published Compendia of EQAVET NRP applications selected for funding under the Erasmus+ Programme. The Compendium contributes to a better dissemination of information about on-going projects and networking among NRPs. It contains a short description and basic information of each application selected for granting.  


Reporting on VET in Germany, study visit

Representatives of Croatian and Slovenian NRPs for EQAVET participated in a targeted study visit to BiBB (Federal Institute for VET) and DIE (German Institute for Adult Education) on the topic of Quality Assurance in German VET system – evaluation, reporting and modernizing of German VET system. Main focus of the study visit was familiarizing with reporting on VET and adult education, using the reports of Federal Ministry of Education and research and BiBB data report. It was organized by colleagues from German reference point for EQAVET, DEQA-VET, within the BiBB (Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training) and took place in Bonn, Germany, on 4 and 5 September 2019.