



Study on Peer Review and the work of the EQAVET Network

Study on Peer Review in VET, conducted by the EQAVET expert Giorgio Alluli in cooperation with EQAVET Secretariat in first half of 2019 is now published. The study provides insights into the benefits of the peer review for the VET system, and includes, among others, reflection on peer reviews organized by Croatian NRP – Agency for VET and AE – together with Austrian, Finnish and Slovenian NRPs in scope of the former EQAVET NRP project.  

The study is available at the link.


Reporting on VET in Germany, study visit

Representatives of Croatian and Slovenian NRPs for EQAVET participated in a targeted study visit to BiBB (Federal Institute for VET) and DIE (German Institute for Adult Education) on the topic of Quality Assurance in German VET system – evaluation, reporting and modernizing of German VET system. Main focus of the study visit was familiarizing with reporting on VET and adult education, using the reports of Federal Ministry of Education and research and BiBB data report. It was organized by colleagues from German reference point for EQAVET, DEQA-VET, within the BiBB (Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training) and took place in Bonn, Germany, on 4 and 5 September 2019.