

The Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education (AVETAE) has successfully applied to an Erasmus+ Call co-financing the activities of EQAVET NRPs. The project aims at continuous improvement of VET quality assurance at the national level in line with the EQAVET Recommendation.

The project focuses on the priorities defined by the EQAVET Work Programme for 2018 - 2019 and the Council Recommendation on tracking graduates, more specifically:

  1. Strengthening cooperation between national reference points (NRPs)

In order to facilitate knowledge exchange and foster mutual cooperation, study visits to other NRPs will be organized, as well as two peer learning activities (PLAs) in Croatia.

Cooperation on development of the European peer review established in the course of previous project will be continued as a joint activity between NRPs Finland, Slovenia and Estonia as a new partner.  

Another joint activity with Slovenia, Greece and Finland on VET graduate tracking systems aims at mutual learning and exchange of best practice examples

  1. Further development of the national quality assurance framework in VET, with particular emphasis on VET graduate tracking

In addition, the Agency for Vocational Education and Adult Education will continue to develop VET graduate tracking system designed and piloted within the previous EQAVET NRP project in co-operation with Croatian VET providers.

  1. Deepening the quality assurance of the VET through cooperation with stakeholders

A conference for on quality assurance in VET for VET providers’ representatives in Croatia will be organized for the first time. The aim of the conference is on strengthening the capacities of vocational schools in self-assessment and learning about the possibilities of using the EQAVET-related tools. VET providers’ representatives will have the opportunity to familiarize with various quality assurance modules and adapt available tools to suit their use. will continue with informing a broad network of stakeholders in VET on EQAVET and the process of establishing national quality indicators, thus strengthening VET schools capacities for self-assessment procedures and complementary tools, translating and publishing relevant publications and news on QA as well as disseminating project results on these web pages.

Important news is newsletter that will be published every 6 months. You can subscribe to the newsletter by using the form at the end of this page.  

The project was granted 149,995.00 € for the implementation period is from 1 April 2019 to March 2021.

Published on: 15.05.2019