Peer Learning Activity on Promoting a Culture of Quality, Dubrovnik, 11-12 June 2018
Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education organised a Peer Learning Activity (PLA) on Promoting Culture of Quality as a part of the Erasmus+ project Support to European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training: National Reference Points (EQAVET NRP). The PLA took place in Dubrovnik on 11 and 12 June and brought together 21 representative of the National Reference Points (NRP) for EQAVET, VET providers and other bodies responsible for VET from nine countries.
The PLA was divided in sessions consisted of keynote lessons, presentations from VET system and provider level, group work and discussion as well as the school visit. Colleagues from Austria, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Malta, Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia and the host country, Croatia, discussed on the following topics: what is the meaning/definition of culture of quality mean; how can culture of quality be dealt with at provider and at system level; are there ways to influence culture of quality at both levels; is there a connection between school/VET provider culture and quality management, and are there different approaches in different countries when it comes to the culture of quality?
Four case studies were presented on system and on provider level from three countries (Croatia, Finland and Netherlands), followed by the group work on creating and maintaining the organizational culture and an exercise in Q-KULT instrument, a tool for identification of relevant dimensions of culture of quality in IVET organisations. On second day of the PLA, participants visited High School of Economy and Trade Dubrovnik.
The PLA concluded with the recognition of importance of culture of quality for the QM implementation, ideal culture of quality values and attitudes, and support on VET provider and system level. The activity contributed to the shared understanding of the culture of quality and its meaning for QA processes, and fostered mutual learning from exchange of experiences and best practice.
Please, find detailed description of the PLA, photos and presentations (including Netherlands) on their respective links.
Published on: 14.06.2018