First meeting of Peer Review development team held in Ljubljana

Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education continues with further development of the European Peer Review in VET in scope of the new EQAVET NRP project. It is a joint activity between NRPs of Croatia, Finland, Slovenia and Estonia. Besides NRP partners, it involves one VET provider per country.  The first meeting of the development team was held on May 22 and 23, 2019 in Ljubljana. Partners evaluated the success of the previous project and agreed on the pace and structure of work on the new project.

The European Peer Review in VET is an external evaluation carried out on a voluntary basis, designed by modeling similar models in higher education and developed within the Leonardo da Vinci projects. As part of the previous EQAVET NRP project, the Agency for Vocational Education and Adult Education as a national reference point for EQAVET, together with NRPs from Austria, Slovenia and Finland, has improved 4 core and developed a new core area for Peer Review as part of a new project, ten more improvements will be made to upgrade all areas of the European Peer Review Manual.

The activity was organized with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, within EQAVET NRP project. 

Published on: 30.05.2019