Report from the PLA on ICT-tools in Quality Assurance

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Seventeen participants from seven European countries exchanged experiences and best practice examples on using the data and ICT-tools for quality improvements at the Peer Learning Activity (PLA) on ICT-tools in Quality Assurance. The PLA was organized by the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education (AVETAE) in Zagreb on 17 and 18 December 2019.

The PLA was structured around three interconnected sessions with presentations, a key lecture and a group workshop. The event was opened by Nino Buić, Croatian NRP representative and AVETAE’s Assistant director for European Affairs, International Cooperation and Projects.

In the first session, participants discussed conceptual data model of the VET. Three national systems were presented as the basis for the debate: Erik Smits, external expert for the PLA from Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science presented data platforms from Netherlands, while Jekaterina Masenko from Estonian Higher Education Quality Agency (EKKA) and Nataša Lovrić from Croatian Ministry of Science and Education presented data platforms from Estonia (“Haridusilm” – “the eye of the education”) and Croatia (“ŠeR” – “school e-Mine”).

The second session, data sources and data collection, was devoted to different models of collecting and using the data for quality improvements. Tamara Hudolin from AVETAE and Saša Grašič from the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training (CPI) presented Croatian and Slovenian NRP systems for data collection and data sources, while Nataša Glavor from Croatian academic and research network presented their data collection and models.

In the session on presentation of data on VET participants learned about Romanian and Swedish NRPs’ systems from Carmen Mușat from National Centre for TVET Development and Hans Almgren from Swedish National Agency for Education Skolverket.  

The PLA ended in work group and discussion on interpretation of results, the quality of the data collected and the future challenges related to ICT in improving quality both for provider and the system level.

The event was organized with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union within the EQAVET NRP project.

The presentations and papers are available at the link

Published on: 20.12.2019