Reporting on VET in Germany, study visit

Representatives of Croatian and Slovenian NRPs for EQAVET participated in a targeted study visit to BiBB (Federal Institute for VET) and DIE (German Institute for Adult Education) on the topic of Quality Assurance in German VET system – evaluation, reporting and modernizing of German VET system. Main focus of the study visit was familiarizing with reporting on VET and adult education, using the reports of Federal Ministry of Education and research and BiBB data report. It was organized by colleagues from German reference point for EQAVET, DEQA-VET, within the BiBB (Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training) and took place in Bonn, Germany, on 4 and 5 September 2019.

The participants learned about the work of BiBB through its four-part structure and tasks: VET research and monitoring, structure and regulation, international cooperation and initiatives for VET.

Participants were introduced to the German dual education system where students spend 70% of their education time in training in companies and 30% in schools. German model of QA for VET was also presented. In addition to two level systems of QA, such as one proposed in EQAVET, which consist of VET providers level (or employers in the German VET) and system level, the German QA model also includes an intermediate level in charge for control and monitoring of QA.

Representatives of Vocational training supply unit presented the Annual Report on VET of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. In addition, the content and pace of work on the BiBB data Report, a separate document from 2009, was also presented. The reports are prepared on the basis of the indicators prescribed by the VET Act. The process takes a full year and includes cooperation with numerous stakeholders, more than 400 institutions and more than 80 chambers. After drafting, they need to be disseminated and agreed upon by consensus of all the parties included in order to ensure the highest level of transparency and acceptance. 

In addition to learning about the reporting, the participants had the opportunity to familiarize with the work of other BiBB departments, such as work of research data centre in BiBB, international cooperation projects, research on comparisons of other countries VET systems, screenings of occupations as incentives for future development and the work of GOVET, German Office for International Cooperation in VET established as an official international reference point for dual education in Germany.

On the second day, the participants visited DIE to learn about the adult education system in Germany and the tasks of the DIE regarding adult education. Participants were introduced to the National Education Report which is produced every two years due to its scope and complexity. The institutional framework of the report was presented, procedure, content and use, with the special special attention on annual adult education survey and adult education provider statistics.

The study visit was organized with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, within the Networking with other EQAVET NRPs activity of EQAVET NRP project.


Photo courtesy of main group photo: BiBB.

Published on: 10.09.2019