Workshop on self-assessment in Croatian VET schools

A two-day workshop on the topic of Croatian VET school self-assessment process was held in Zagreb on 2-3 February 2017. The workshop was organised within Erasmus+ project: Support to the activities of the European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET) National Reference Points (NRP). Participants of the workshop were senior expert advisors of the Agency from the Departments for Development and Quality Assurance of VET System and Development and Quality Assurance of Adult Education System who discussed the role of the Agency and their own experiences in the process.

Various subjects about the establishment of culture of quality in VET and its assurance were presented and discussed. The international context for QA in VET was presented by Ms Saša Grašič from Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training (CPI), intenational experton the project. Discussed topics were related to the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework – EQAVET and its alignment with the Croatian model of QA. Moreover, important EQAVET elements such as EQAVET Recommendation, EQAVET criteria and quality indicators and mechanisms for the aligning of EQAVET framework with national QA frameworks were more closely presented. Sharing of Slovenian experiences in the process of establishing QA framework and implementing the self-assessment process in VET schools and comparing them with Croatian experiences was especially valuable

The analysis of Croatian model of QA and self-assessment process of VET schools was presented by Sandra Bezjak, national expert on the project. In this part of the workshop senior expert advisors also presented their experiences in the implementation of the QA model and implementation and monitoring the process of self-assessment as a tool for system QA. Ms Bezjak also described the experiences in QA process in higher education system which was most interesting to learn.

The workshop was evaluated as very successful, it allowed the participants to learn about examples of good practice and experiences from other systems, to gain insight into the European QA framework and to discuss the national QA framework and self-assessment as a tool for QA in VET system of Croatia.

We hereby congratulate and thank all the participants on an important and successfully implemented workshop!

Published on: 17.02.2017